And once more, we find ourselves here again.
Sharper's office has the tree, the Menorah's been put on the Tokotah Rooftop, and Santa Hats'll be appearing any day now.
Time flies by too quickly.
12, 13, 10. ARGH YE MATEYS....
Or something Pirate-y-ish.
Do you believe that the year's almost over journal?
Me either.
This is all getting very familiar.
Do you believe that the year's almost over journal?
Me either.
This is all getting very familiar.
11, 24, 10. Kokoro
So, I've been reading that dreaded site of time killing known as "TVTropes," and I stumbled upon the page for those infamous singing programs called Vocaloids. Amazing things, those. They even have live concerts, ya know?
In any case, I absolutely love the two halves of "Kokoro", done by the Rin/Len program. Why am I writing this? I just want to say it, that's why!
*hums along*
Great song, really...
In any case, I absolutely love the two halves of "Kokoro", done by the Rin/Len program. Why am I writing this? I just want to say it, that's why!
*hums along*
Great song, really...
11, 16, 10. Heritage Night.
Whooo boy What a Night.
Great fun had by all. All of six months compressed down into one hour, and I Stood on a cone for all of it.
Great fun had by all. All of six months compressed down into one hour, and I Stood on a cone for all of it.
11, 08, 10. Kadish marker coordinates.
...1000, 10, 0. (BEVIN AND KIREL READINGS)
...2400, 100, 0. (AE'GURA READINGS)
+..1100, 105, 0. (GZ READINGS)
...1500, 102, 0. (AVERAGE READINGS)
Just a little experiment on the location of the Alternate Kadish vault.
10, 31, 10. Happy Halloween!
What a day. Much Fun.
Not much else to say.
Tired. And Much Candy.
Nap Time. _DimTravCal
Not much else to say.
Tired. And Much Candy.
Nap Time. _DimTravCal
10, 28, 10. Griefers.
It makes me sad to see people leave just because others torment them. We all have our surface problems, but the cavern is not the place to bring them.
Seeing this makes me myself want to leave, but I do not. I don't leave because though as sad as this makes me, I won't let it force me to leave.
Let be known that I will not tolerate such behavior! When next I see a griefer, I'll tell them to stop. When next someone is in trouble, I won't stand idly by!
And if any so called "Griefers" find and read this journal, let it be known that you will not be allowed to reak havok! Get this idea through your thick skulls:
And if anyone in trouble finds this journal, Just Ignore those trouble makers!
I'll wager that 90% of all griefing in cavern these days is one person, so, please, I'm begging of you, Let all this nonsense go!
Seeing this makes me myself want to leave, but I do not. I don't leave because though as sad as this makes me, I won't let it force me to leave.
Let be known that I will not tolerate such behavior! When next I see a griefer, I'll tell them to stop. When next someone is in trouble, I won't stand idly by!
And if any so called "Griefers" find and read this journal, let it be known that you will not be allowed to reak havok! Get this idea through your thick skulls:
And if anyone in trouble finds this journal, Just Ignore those trouble makers!
I'll wager that 90% of all griefing in cavern these days is one person, so, please, I'm begging of you, Let all this nonsense go!
10, 21, 10. I'm of the Opinion the world's gone crazy.
Yesterday there was a strange...
Something must've gone wrong with the guy's KI or something, 'cause it was broadcasting this weird pattern of Beeps, squaks, and what sounded like broken fax machines and printers.
I was down at the docks when it started, and the guy was up at the Tokotah Plaza.
With the recent KI bugs, I'm not really surprised. But Still.
This last month has been nothing but chaos. The other day, on a non technical level, two explorers started yelling at each other in the city. Something about letters and decisions, and a bit of unneeded use of the Ignore function, apparently. They weren't using their KI's, probably intentionally avoiding the Chat Log function.
That, or they were too into it to bother even looking at the blasted things.
Probably the latter, though. They seemed to be like a continually exploding Something-or-other at that point.
In some non-aggravating news, I got a couple of DotHack Manga at the bookstore the other day, and I got a movie soundtrack too.
Da Da Dah Daah... DUN DUN DUN.
It's so hard to write down music in word format. Bleh.
In an even more un-connected note: I FAIL AT CHEMISTRY!
It took me a whole half hour just to figure out one problem. {Probably didn't help that my head was bugging me for some odd reason.}
Seriously, Stoichiometry? {Did I spell that right?} I'm probably never going to get a job as a Chemist.
And that's okay with me.
Well, I've probably wasted enough time here already, time to go up to the surface and face the music.
Or, rather, the Language and Spelling tests Tomorrow that I have to study for.
Something must've gone wrong with the guy's KI or something, 'cause it was broadcasting this weird pattern of Beeps, squaks, and what sounded like broken fax machines and printers.
I was down at the docks when it started, and the guy was up at the Tokotah Plaza.
With the recent KI bugs, I'm not really surprised. But Still.
This last month has been nothing but chaos. The other day, on a non technical level, two explorers started yelling at each other in the city. Something about letters and decisions, and a bit of unneeded use of the Ignore function, apparently. They weren't using their KI's, probably intentionally avoiding the Chat Log function.
That, or they were too into it to bother even looking at the blasted things.
Probably the latter, though. They seemed to be like a continually exploding Something-or-other at that point.
In some non-aggravating news, I got a couple of DotHack Manga at the bookstore the other day, and I got a movie soundtrack too.
Da Da Dah Daah... DUN DUN DUN.
It's so hard to write down music in word format. Bleh.
In an even more un-connected note: I FAIL AT CHEMISTRY!
It took me a whole half hour just to figure out one problem. {Probably didn't help that my head was bugging me for some odd reason.}
Seriously, Stoichiometry? {Did I spell that right?} I'm probably never going to get a job as a Chemist.
And that's okay with me.
Well, I've probably wasted enough time here already, time to go up to the surface and face the music.
Or, rather, the Language and Spelling tests Tomorrow that I have to study for.
I Hate my Life.
----- Huh.
Apparently my Language/Grammar test isn't 'til next week.
Apparently my Language/Grammar test isn't 'til next week.
10, 17, 10. Explosive.
Things are really odd.
This isn't the cavern I've known.
What's happened?
I just want things to be quiet again.
Somebody Do Something Already!
_Dimension Traveler Calum
This isn't the cavern I've known.
What's happened?
I just want things to be quiet again.
Somebody Do Something Already!
_Dimension Traveler Calum
10, 13, 10. To The Tenth.
I've asked around now, if you include repeated incidents, there have been ten Relto Blank outs.
Otherwise, it's only been six events.
Otherwise, it's only been six events.
I have absolutely NO clue what's going on anymore.
I have absolutely NO clue what's going on anymore.
10, 10, 10. ZOOM ZOOM.
A buddy/Neighbor of mine has had Relto problems the past few days, for some odd reason his Relto book has blacked out like in the Bahro caves.
Four times.
Due to the most recent taking place in the Rainy Cleft, I've deduced that it's the work of a Bahro playing a practical joke. That, or the guy really has it out for him.
So, be on the lookout for any Bahro messing with Relto books!
Not that it'll do You any good, Journal-chan, No eyes and all.
I think I've been spending too much time in Er'cana.
Four times.
Due to the most recent taking place in the Rainy Cleft, I've deduced that it's the work of a Bahro playing a practical joke. That, or the guy really has it out for him.
So, be on the lookout for any Bahro messing with Relto books!
Not that it'll do You any good, Journal-chan, No eyes and all.
I think I've been spending too much time in Er'cana.
10, 04, 10. Subtract the Seven
The KI's went bonkers today, they NOW read seven hours ahead of usual.
That'll mess with the pod calculators.
That'll mess with the pod calculators.
09, 30, 10. Getting out in the world
Dra Sent me an IMDB link today.
Holy Quab In A Hat.
The Guy who Did the Narnia movies is signing on for the Myst Movie.
Be Prepared, D'ni. Countless new Explorers shall be coming soon to a theater near you.
Holy Quab In A Hat.
The Guy who Did the Narnia movies is signing on for the Myst Movie.
Be Prepared, D'ni. Countless new Explorers shall be coming soon to a theater near you.
09, 10, 10. Blah Blah Blah Blah.
School, Broken Cars, picture editing (Pixil by pixil), My life in a nutshell, writing, yada yada yada. Yak yak yak, Valve time, Rinse and repeat.
09, 04, 10. More stuff.
School's started this last week.
Been busy writing.
Some "Forever" game is now slated for 2011.
I got n_
Been busy writing.
Some "Forever" game is now slated for 2011.
I got n_
08, 17, 10. Stuff.
The Anime Section at the local BestBuy is very small.
I wish it were bigger.
Oh Well.
I wish it were bigger.
Oh Well.
08, 13, 10. To reiterate.
Another Friday the Thirteenth.
Funny, I don't feel any unluckier than I did yesterday.
I feel slightly melancholic though.
I'm tired. I think I'll take a nap.
Funny, I don't feel any unluckier than I did yesterday.
I feel slightly melancholic though.
I'm tired. I think I'll take a nap.
Why was Seven afraid of Eight? Because eight nine ten!
Okay, so that doesn't work one number bumped up.
So sue me, I didn't have any other reason for this other than a lame pun.
Wait, how could a book sue me?
I'm goin' wacko!
Okay, so that doesn't work one number bumped up.
So sue me, I didn't have any other reason for this other than a lame pun.
Wait, how could a book sue me?
I'm goin' wacko!
08, 06, 10. Mysterium
Mysterium 2010 started today.
Man, Part of me wishes I went, and another part is glad I didn't.
Whatever. There's always next year.
Man, Part of me wishes I went, and another part is glad I didn't.
Whatever. There's always next year.
------ All Star
Codes in the city? Fake DRC? School starting Next week?
Yare yare, either I'm getting old, or the world's getting stupid.
Your Brain gets smart, but your head gets dumb. So much to do, so much to see, so what's wrong with taking the back streets?
Something I can't remember.
And all that glitters is gold, only shooting stars break the mold.
Yare yare, either I'm getting old, or the world's getting stupid.
Your Brain gets smart, but your head gets dumb. So much to do, so much to see, so what's wrong with taking the back streets?
Something I can't remember.
And all that glitters is gold, only shooting stars break the mold.
08, 04, 10. Impersonators.
There is a "D'ni RESTORATION COUNCIL's Bevin" on the Nexus.
Fakes. All I know is that the "D'ni RESTORATION COUNCIL" was One Explorer, and is/are/was Not. I REPEAT NOT. The real DRC.
If, perchance, anyone finds this journal and reads this particular entry within a relevant time frame, I'd advise people to steer clear of them.
I do not Like Impersonators.
Where's my Crowbar?
Fakes. All I know is that the "D'ni RESTORATION COUNCIL" was One Explorer, and is/are/was Not. I REPEAT NOT. The real DRC.
If, perchance, anyone finds this journal and reads this particular entry within a relevant time frame, I'd advise people to steer clear of them.
I do not Like Impersonators.
Where's my Crowbar?
08, 01, 10. The First Of the Last
August First.
My Summer vacation ran away the second I looked away.
Ever since that Stupid School Convention.
I hate my Life.
My Summer vacation ran away the second I looked away.
Ever since that Stupid School Convention.
I hate my Life.
07, 27, 10. Good-Bad Timing.
Went to Target today, They didn't have the H.F. sets in stock, even though they had the spaces ready.
We then went to Best-Buy.
FINALLY found Solty Rey on DVD.
On a side note, I find it funny that a Modern day Spell Check underlines "DVD" as Incorrect.
Now to finish reading some comics...
We then went to Best-Buy.
FINALLY found Solty Rey on DVD.
On a side note, I find it funny that a Modern day Spell Check underlines "DVD" as Incorrect.
Now to finish reading some comics...
07, 25, 10. Nearly gone.
It's almost August, and the summer's almost gone.
Some vacation.
I did a bit of writing tonight. The Whole First chapter of "Banished World."
Kind of a dark world, but, hey, it's darkest before the dawn, as it's said.
I need a good title for the first story though, since "Banished" is story Two.
Someday, maybe.
Some vacation.
I did a bit of writing tonight. The Whole First chapter of "Banished World."
Kind of a dark world, but, hey, it's darkest before the dawn, as it's said.
I need a good title for the first story though, since "Banished" is story Two.
Someday, maybe.
07, 14, 10. YAHOO!
I think this speaks for itself:
GOG: 10,568,575
U-O: 10,064,799
We've almost caught up!
GOG: 10,568,575
U-O: 10,064,799
We've almost caught up!
07, 12, 10. Game Guardian.
Continually looses it's connection to the server. Meaning that while I'm smashing Geko and Penguinmon looking for B-TShirts, my Loss count has gone up from four to six.
Oh, but it gets better, I've had the connection give out THREE TIMES today.
SO, yeah.
Atleast the third time it happened when I wasn't in the middle of a battle.
Anywho, I can finally retire that green military jacket I've been wearing lately. It's never matched my hat, but now I've gotten a jacket in the right color. YIPPIE!
Oh, but it gets better, I've had the connection give out THREE TIMES today.
SO, yeah.
Atleast the third time it happened when I wasn't in the middle of a battle.
Anywho, I can finally retire that green military jacket I've been wearing lately. It's never matched my hat, but now I've gotten a jacket in the right color. YIPPIE!
----- Oh, Dear. Not again.
Well, goes to show, this "Bomb" thing isn't a LITERAL bomb, but a Metaphorical Bomb.
People I THOUGHT I knew are acting like total IDIOTS! Kemy has insulted Megan, and Whil has said he doesn't take My opinion's seriously after a slight (UNDERSTATEMENT) argument. Both have earned the distinction of being on my ignore list.
I DO NOT Take kindly to my friends being insulted.
I DO NOT take kindly to Everyone acting like Jerks and Idiots.
I DO NOT Take kindly to this Situation.
What was something that could be Fun and Entertaining has degraded into a free for all SHOUT-Fest.
I'm Sorry, But this has gone on for far too long.
The Timer on this "BOMB" hasn't even gone off yet, and yet the results have been disasterous.
We've been sitting on the timer, holding it seconds from reaching zero. I think...
I think it's time that we set this firework off.
Once and for all.
Well, goes to show, this "Bomb" thing isn't a LITERAL bomb, but a Metaphorical Bomb.
People I THOUGHT I knew are acting like total IDIOTS! Kemy has insulted Megan, and Whil has said he doesn't take My opinion's seriously after a slight (UNDERSTATEMENT) argument. Both have earned the distinction of being on my ignore list.
I DO NOT Take kindly to my friends being insulted.
I DO NOT take kindly to Everyone acting like Jerks and Idiots.
I DO NOT Take kindly to this Situation.
What was something that could be Fun and Entertaining has degraded into a free for all SHOUT-Fest.
I'm Sorry, But this has gone on for far too long.
The Timer on this "BOMB" hasn't even gone off yet, and yet the results have been disasterous.
We've been sitting on the timer, holding it seconds from reaching zero. I think...
I think it's time that we set this firework off.
Once and for all.
7, 10, 10. "Nice Job Breaking It"
I'm of the general opinion that a certain percentage of the Human Race is doomed to Fail.
Today there was a "BOMB" In Ae'gura. It was some fancy Robot like OHBot, but... Still.
I don't know what it did, or what it was for. People were being idiots and kept distracting the "Bomb" by making it reset it's countdown.
Ah... Dra Just Messaged Me, Apparently the "BOMB" Would reset anyways.
My Original Point stands: There was a guy, continually reseting the bomb's countdown, and being told off NOT to do it. By. EVERYONE.
He Still Did it.
So the maker turned off the "BOMB" and refused to turn it back on until the guy would stop.
And I left for Pellets, actually sighing and then saying I was leaving. Linds said not to, but that guy ruined it for me. LATER: Even though he left, and they restarted the "CountDown" of he Bomb. It still was ruined for me.
I've got to say this, though, I've NEVER seen my KI List So long in a LONG time! Eleven Buddies, and Five Neighbors!
I Still say a certain percentage of the human race is doomed to fail, though. As Long as we keep taking back bahro pillars, and being a general Baka in the behavior department, and doing all the things that are the reverse of how things should be...
Well. You get the picture.
I was originally going to end with "Now to work out some anger." But now I'm going to end with...
Now to see a couple of Gekomon about a few "B" T-shirts.
...Man I need to copy this all to a computer one of these days. My handwriting is HORRIBLE!
Today there was a "BOMB" In Ae'gura. It was some fancy Robot like OHBot, but... Still.
I don't know what it did, or what it was for. People were being idiots and kept distracting the "Bomb" by making it reset it's countdown.
Ah... Dra Just Messaged Me, Apparently the "BOMB" Would reset anyways.
My Original Point stands: There was a guy, continually reseting the bomb's countdown, and being told off NOT to do it. By. EVERYONE.
He Still Did it.
So the maker turned off the "BOMB" and refused to turn it back on until the guy would stop.
And I left for Pellets, actually sighing and then saying I was leaving. Linds said not to, but that guy ruined it for me. LATER: Even though he left, and they restarted the "CountDown" of he Bomb. It still was ruined for me.
I've got to say this, though, I've NEVER seen my KI List So long in a LONG time! Eleven Buddies, and Five Neighbors!
I Still say a certain percentage of the human race is doomed to fail, though. As Long as we keep taking back bahro pillars, and being a general Baka in the behavior department, and doing all the things that are the reverse of how things should be...
Well. You get the picture.
I was originally going to end with "Now to work out some anger." But now I'm going to end with...
Now to see a couple of Gekomon about a few "B" T-shirts.
...Man I need to copy this all to a computer one of these days. My handwriting is HORRIBLE!
7, 09, 10. Tag?
Wow, I haven't written in this in a while... Eh... That's the problem with journals. You start out enthusiastic for something, and then you Stop after a while.
Anywho, Someone came up with this new game to play in cavern. Basically, it's TAG.
T. A. G. Tag.
You know, hide in a spot while someone comes looking for you, Then run like A Bahro when they come near you? When "it" touches you, you become it.
The rules are a bit fuzzy on whether or not you can tag back, but... Meh.
Anywho, Linds, Dra, Tan, and Megan drew me into it a few days ago.
Speaking of that group, they've started a Hood. Edge thought it should be called "The Guild of Randomer" with the 's from the Nexus changing it to "Randomer's." Upon noting that there was too many "Guild Of"s, someone made just a hood called "Randomers."
I'll set aside one of my Alt. KI's to the Hood, but my Main KI isn't leaving U.O.
Which means I'm pretty much left outside if I don't switch KI's.
Anywho, Someone came up with this new game to play in cavern. Basically, it's TAG.
T. A. G. Tag.
You know, hide in a spot while someone comes looking for you, Then run like A Bahro when they come near you? When "it" touches you, you become it.
The rules are a bit fuzzy on whether or not you can tag back, but... Meh.
Anywho, Linds, Dra, Tan, and Megan drew me into it a few days ago.
Speaking of that group, they've started a Hood. Edge thought it should be called "The Guild of Randomer" with the 's from the Nexus changing it to "Randomer's." Upon noting that there was too many "Guild Of"s, someone made just a hood called "Randomers."
I'll set aside one of my Alt. KI's to the Hood, but my Main KI isn't leaving U.O.
Which means I'm pretty much left outside if I don't switch KI's.
07, 04, 10. The Fourth Of June...Er-- July!
Happy Fourth, Cavern!
Let there be Sparklers and Bahro-Brand Fireworks for everyone!
And a word of advice, don't approach live fireworks! You could get blasted back to Teledahn, to Gira, and Back to Relto before you'd know it!
Why am I telling this to a book?
[Sigh] Yare yare, I'm self-narrating!
Let there be Sparklers and Bahro-Brand Fireworks for everyone!
And a word of advice, don't approach live fireworks! You could get blasted back to Teledahn, to Gira, and Back to Relto before you'd know it!
Why am I telling this to a book?
[Sigh] Yare yare, I'm self-narrating!
06, 26, 10. Haircut!
Yup, I got a haircut.
I also finished my vanship MOC.
Well, finnieshed excluding detailing.
But FINSIHED nonetheless!
I also finished my vanship MOC.
Well, finnieshed excluding detailing.
But FINSIHED nonetheless!
06, 15, 10. Dot dot dot dot...
Nothing to say, really.
I went out for a little while, Had lunch.
Not much happening.
Maybe I'll got stack a few cones...
I went out for a little while, Had lunch.
Not much happening.
Maybe I'll got stack a few cones...
06, 09, 10. "I DID IT!"
I made a Playlist!
{I know that's probably nothing big to anyone anymore, but it's an accomplisment to me. SO THERE!}
{I know that's probably nothing big to anyone anymore, but it's an accomplisment to me. SO THERE!}
06, 03, 10. "Look up! Sensation!"
...No, Sorry. I just can't pull off that voice.
That reminds me, I need to find out who does Akir*'s voice on the english version of L.S.
It's been driving me CRAZY!
I know THAT voice!
...No, Sorry. I just can't pull off that voice.
That reminds me, I need to find out who does Akir*'s voice on the english version of L.S.
It's been driving me CRAZY!
I know THAT voice!
06, 01, 10. "Chop chop KICK!"
Sixth month in. It seems like just yesterday that it was March! Not June!
I'm hungry.
I'm hungry.
05, 28, 10. Fifty Fifty chance.
It doesn't seem like it, but the year's already half over.
I hate time.
Make it stop.
I hate time.
Make it stop.
05, 25, 10. "Sunrise. Sunset."
How often do we just sit and watch a sun set?
Not often.
I watched said sunset in Payiferen.
It is amazing!
Not often.
I watched said sunset in Payiferen.
It is amazing!
05, 24, 10. "Already monday and I'm feeling blue. What to do?"
Title speaks for itself.
I'm out of school, and I have no clue what to do.
I'm out of school, and I have no clue what to do.
05, 19, 10. "DEJIMON GATTAI!"
Cross Wars looks to be shaping up as an amazing series.
I can't wait!
Also, Finals on Friday.
Wish me luck, Ruki.
{pets the currently sleeping ink seeking beetle}
Now, TO BED!
I can't wait!
Also, Finals on Friday.
Wish me luck, Ruki.
{pets the currently sleeping ink seeking beetle}
Now, TO BED!
05, 16, 10. "Believe it or not, I'm..."
...Not a fan of math.
Final week of school, and I have a Math test on Friday. With a Literature quiz tomorrow.
I. Hate. Math.
Add onto this the Pellet scores I have to keep track of...
Final week of school, and I have a Math test on Friday. With a Literature quiz tomorrow.
I. Hate. Math.
Add onto this the Pellet scores I have to keep track of...
05, 15, 10. "Words Unspoken"
To kill time, I made a marker mission in Er'cana, under the pellet dispenser.
905 Markers.
If those markers were ORANGE instead of WHITE, the room would be a LOT brighter than it is now.
905 Markers.
If those markers were ORANGE instead of WHITE, the room would be a LOT brighter than it is now.
----- B.S.O.D.!!!
My link to Er'cana got halted mid-link today.
First time since we came back down that that's happened.
First time since we came back down that that's happened.
5, 14, 10. "Now we're out of beta, we're releasing on time."
I got a 99.1 on my history test today.
05, 13, 10. DORURURURU!
I am boooored beyond belief!
Next week, I'm prety sure I'll be done with school.
Now what do I do? Kill another summer on the computer? Sit around down in the cavern? Sleep in? Just do nothing at all?
I don't know.
Maybe I'll finially get around to doing some major writing? Maybe.
Meh. Maybe I'll finially get around to working on Sayonara Babylon...
Next week, I'm prety sure I'll be done with school.
Now what do I do? Kill another summer on the computer? Sit around down in the cavern? Sleep in? Just do nothing at all?
I don't know.
Maybe I'll finially get around to doing some major writing? Maybe.
Meh. Maybe I'll finially get around to working on Sayonara Babylon...
05, 11, 10. "We are family"
I can't wait for the Myst Movie that those Mysteriacs have in the works.
I had a nice chat with some explorers in the city today about the movie itself.
It should be amazing, as long as they can duplicate the the D'ni building style.
I had a nice chat with some explorers in the city today about the movie itself.
It should be amazing, as long as they can duplicate the the D'ni building style.
05, 09, 10. "You leave the brakes on."
I've been going through a lot of Er'cana's lately, for someone uploaded 5,000,000 pelet points to GOG, puting them at 9 Million, and leaving UO at 4 million!
This must be corrected IMMEDIATELY!
By the way, have you HEARD the sounds the harvester makes when you leave the brakes on?
It's like someone's scraping a key over piano wire!
I've been going through a lot of Er'cana's lately, for someone uploaded 5,000,000 pelet points to GOG, puting them at 9 Million, and leaving UO at 4 million!
This must be corrected IMMEDIATELY!
By the way, have you HEARD the sounds the harvester makes when you leave the brakes on?
It's like someone's scraping a key over piano wire!
05, 08, 10. "Gone, but not forgotten."
Do you realize how often re rely on our Relto books?
I had a scare this morning where I had brought my relto book with me to the grocery store, and realized, on the way home, that I didn't have it with me.
Clearly, since this journal is ON Relto, I got it back. But Lost and found didn't find it. No, the book was just SITTING on my pillow, back at home.
How? I do not know.
But I was worried for a good while there that someone... Dark... might have gotten their hands on my Relto book.
Regardless, I added a "If lost, please return to" Tag to the inside cover.
I had a scare this morning where I had brought my relto book with me to the grocery store, and realized, on the way home, that I didn't have it with me.
Clearly, since this journal is ON Relto, I got it back. But Lost and found didn't find it. No, the book was just SITTING on my pillow, back at home.
How? I do not know.
But I was worried for a good while there that someone... Dark... might have gotten their hands on my Relto book.
Regardless, I added a "If lost, please return to" Tag to the inside cover.
05, 07, 10. "A song of Freedom"
So. I'm free from school for Two days.
TGIFriday. Gotta love weekends, and such.
Gotta go to lunch though. At Red Lobster.
Not that I don't mind, but It's been a gittery sort of week for me.
_Weary Cal
TGIFriday. Gotta love weekends, and such.
Gotta go to lunch though. At Red Lobster.
Not that I don't mind, but It's been a gittery sort of week for me.
_Weary Cal
05, 05, 10. "Let's get Cherry Pie!"
Dr. Watson posted on the DRC site forums. Turns out one "NotABeast" was just some explorer in a VERY convinving Bahro costume. This explains why he had a KI.
It also explains why the guy never moved from the link-in spots. Bahro knees are "Backwards" compared to Human knees. The poor guy probably couldn't even WALK!
Well, regardless, the Lattice is down for "Security" Updates. I asume Laxman has some reason or another for it.
~To Dejimon BATTLE!
It also explains why the guy never moved from the link-in spots. Bahro knees are "Backwards" compared to Human knees. The poor guy probably couldn't even WALK!
Well, regardless, the Lattice is down for "Security" Updates. I asume Laxman has some reason or another for it.
~To Dejimon BATTLE!
05, 04, 10. "Bon Bon! Oendan!"
Meh. It's been as windy as Payiferen today.
Speaking of windy, A couple of explorers had a rather interresting conversation about Hackers and Crackers.
Let me spell the end of the conversation out for you: CRACKERS are the "hackers" You hear about on the news. That means: Hackers are good for the Uru comunity.
Speaking of windy, A couple of explorers had a rather interresting conversation about Hackers and Crackers.
Let me spell the end of the conversation out for you: CRACKERS are the "hackers" You hear about on the news. That means: Hackers are good for the Uru comunity.
05, 03, 10. "DA DA DA DA DA!"
I don't know what to make of anything anymore.
The world's gone upside down on us.
A storm is comming.
The world's gone upside down on us.
A storm is comming.
----- "Pork! Noodles! Fill 'er Up!"
I was going to say that "I Do not "Not Like Chinese food" as much."
But I decided against it.
But I decided against it.
04, 29, 10. "I'd consider her a Normal Girl"
Last night I had a very weird dream:
I was in a hotel room- kind of like the anime room at StarFest-, the lights were off, and there was a strange chill in the air. There was a small doorway into the room, with a crowd outside. There was a book shelf running along the left wall (entering the room), and a desk of some sort closer to the entrance.
Ah, I was in this hotel room with this girl, (Thinking back to the dream, she looked exactly like Yuki From the Haruhi series, only with dark, black hair) and we were looking around the book shelf, trying to find the source of the cold bursts filling the room. Before we could really look around, those Ghost Hunter guys from TV showed up and 'Shoo!'ed us out. I turned around, to look up at the back wall for a split second, to spot a borky A.C. right above the book shelf. I turn back to the girl to tell her this, but she had vanished.
I called out her name (of which I now can't remember) in an attempt to find her. Then the dream switched to another one of which I can't remember.
My only complaint is that I can't remember the girl's name out of this crystal clear dream. I'd go with "Yuki" for her appearance alone if I didn't have this strong feeling that wasn't what her name was.
Ah well.
Maybe I should look up the "Vanishment" Arc later today.
I was in a hotel room- kind of like the anime room at StarFest-, the lights were off, and there was a strange chill in the air. There was a small doorway into the room, with a crowd outside. There was a book shelf running along the left wall (entering the room), and a desk of some sort closer to the entrance.
Ah, I was in this hotel room with this girl, (Thinking back to the dream, she looked exactly like Yuki From the Haruhi series, only with dark, black hair) and we were looking around the book shelf, trying to find the source of the cold bursts filling the room. Before we could really look around, those Ghost Hunter guys from TV showed up and 'Shoo!'ed us out. I turned around, to look up at the back wall for a split second, to spot a borky A.C. right above the book shelf. I turn back to the girl to tell her this, but she had vanished.
I called out her name (of which I now can't remember) in an attempt to find her. Then the dream switched to another one of which I can't remember.
My only complaint is that I can't remember the girl's name out of this crystal clear dream. I'd go with "Yuki" for her appearance alone if I didn't have this strong feeling that wasn't what her name was.
Ah well.
Maybe I should look up the "Vanishment" Arc later today.
----- "How Popular is that New gal?"
Sala managed to Digivolv* to the next level!
For a kity kat she sure packs a mean punch!
~Go Sala!
For a kity kat she sure packs a mean punch!
~Go Sala!
04, 28, 10. "Cut that out already!"
Tomorrow I have a History Test and a Literature Quiz.
Once I get to friday, I'll only have four more weeks of this torture, and THEN I'll be FREE!
~Wish me Luck
Once I get to friday, I'll only have four more weeks of this torture, and THEN I'll be FREE!
~Wish me Luck
04, 26, 10. "Gourmet Eater"
I had KF Chicken last night. Yum.
Today, I had a Bad door run.
Why is it one thing sours a good mood?
I have no clue.
Today, I had a Bad door run.
Why is it one thing sours a good mood?
I have no clue.
04, 25, 10. "Steel Beater"
Otou-San's Birthday is comming up. We're gonna make him a Portal Cake.
You know which Cake I'm talking about! Don't you? No?
Anywho, I got Last *xile and and C/\stle on DVD today.
Complete Series and First Season.
Should be fun!
You know which Cake I'm talking about! Don't you? No?
Anywho, I got Last *xile and and C/\stle on DVD today.
Complete Series and First Season.
Should be fun!
04, 24, 10. "A Nail Biter."
A WHOLE group of us went into the City today, and all we did was this:
Sat on a sign for a whole hour.
Confirmed New reccord of Explorers on the Tokotah Sign: 23.
UNConfirmed New Reccord of Explorers on the Tokotah Sign: 25!
What fun, nothing sure beats making a new reccord!
_DTC{Not the Denver Tech Center}
Sat on a sign for a whole hour.
Confirmed New reccord of Explorers on the Tokotah Sign: 23.
UNConfirmed New Reccord of Explorers on the Tokotah Sign: 25!
What fun, nothing sure beats making a new reccord!
_DTC{Not the Denver Tech Center}
04, 23, 10. "I messed up that one Line"
The FF.Net uplpoader has trying to be funny lately.
Not Uploading the corrected version, eh?
We'll see about that!
Not Uploading the corrected version, eh?
We'll see about that!
04, 19, 10. "I love you!"
Ever go to a convention where some silly guy in the audience shouts "I LOVE YOU!!!" Or asks "Will you marry me?" In the Q&A line?
Yeah. That happened Saturday.
Not one, but two people did something similar for Summer. One asked her to the prom, and one jokingly asked her to marry him, then asked a real question.
Strange stuff, man.
Yeah. That happened Saturday.
Not one, but two people did something similar for Summer. One asked her to the prom, and one jokingly asked her to marry him, then asked a real question.
Strange stuff, man.
----- "Something's comming,"
The problem with Virus scans is that they take forever to work. This one's been running since eight, and it's only JUST 2% done. Sure, once it got past the main system areas, it's been speeding up, but really! It's 10:42 right now.
Oi! Spaceman! Got a time machine?!
Maybe some ear plugs?
In other news, Ruki woke up from hibernation a little while ago. Apparently Surface winters are colder than winters in Gahreesen (Does it even HAVE a winter cycle?)
Well, 10:45 Now, 3% done. It might just finish before we have to leave.
Oi! Spaceman! Got a time machine?!
Maybe some ear plugs?
In other news, Ruki woke up from hibernation a little while ago. Apparently Surface winters are colder than winters in Gahreesen (Does it even HAVE a winter cycle?)
Well, 10:45 Now, 3% done. It might just finish before we have to leave.
04, 16, 10. "I say, I say, And throw in a Darlin' Darlin' FREEZE!"
Eight in the morning, Waiting for Breakfast to cook and Virus Scans to start.
Well, I'm leaving for the convention today!
Let's do this!
Well, I'm leaving for the convention today!
Let's do this!
04, 15, 10. "And don't forget to Catch and Release, yo!"
[Deep breath]
Going to the convention tomorrow.
Pizza, frozen, thawed, baked, cut and chilled, is being prepared at the moment. I also got some P-cky at the store today. Po-ky are little biscuit sticks, about as long as a straw, that are covvered in chocolate. I'm currious to see how they taste.
Well, anyways, off to er'cana to feed the lake.
The Silo is HUNGRY.
Going to the convention tomorrow.
Pizza, frozen, thawed, baked, cut and chilled, is being prepared at the moment. I also got some P-cky at the store today. Po-ky are little biscuit sticks, about as long as a straw, that are covvered in chocolate. I'm currious to see how they taste.
Well, anyways, off to er'cana to feed the lake.
The Silo is HUNGRY.
04, 12, 10. "Just Work It! And Do it!"
I Played some Dejimon Battle today, Sala's one level away from evolving. That'll take a while though, as Terry's half way there, and he hasn't moved an inch XP Wise at all today. I Caught A Yoko yesterday! She's already one level away from learning a secondary attack. I tried catching a Toko today, but they all kept slipping away.
It's all fun and games until school comes along. I have a Language quiz tomorrow and a Math test on Thursday, for which I will study for both as soon as these pelets are done baking and have been dropped.
I hate school.
Just six weeks plus three days; Just Six Weeks plus three days.
Ah! And there are the pelets!
It's all fun and games until school comes along. I have a Language quiz tomorrow and a Math test on Thursday, for which I will study for both as soon as these pelets are done baking and have been dropped.
I hate school.
Just six weeks plus three days; Just Six Weeks plus three days.
Ah! And there are the pelets!
04, 11, 10. "Turn off, Ain't it?"
Something that's always stuck me as odd with the Pod Age's...Pods.
The Power.
For one moment, you could be sitting just fine in payiferen, watching the stars, and "BWHRRRMMMMNNN" Off it goes.
In Negilahn and Payiferen this makes sense. But for Dereno and Tetsonot, not quite as so. In Dereno (Not the actor) You're at the north pole, and it's prety much day time all the time. But what about night time? You'd have months of power outages! And Tetsonot, it's running on EMERGENCY Power only. And, gee, isn't it kinda obvious, IT'S UNDER~WATER!!?
Regardless, Payiferen is a nice pod to sit in. The lighting's fairly nice right now. It's Mid Day, and the wind is actually rather soothing here, compared to Home, where it's always so Hard Pressed aginst things.
The Power.
For one moment, you could be sitting just fine in payiferen, watching the stars, and "BWHRRRMMMMNNN" Off it goes.
In Negilahn and Payiferen this makes sense. But for Dereno and Tetsonot, not quite as so. In Dereno (Not the actor) You're at the north pole, and it's prety much day time all the time. But what about night time? You'd have months of power outages! And Tetsonot, it's running on EMERGENCY Power only. And, gee, isn't it kinda obvious, IT'S UNDER~WATER!!?
Regardless, Payiferen is a nice pod to sit in. The lighting's fairly nice right now. It's Mid Day, and the wind is actually rather soothing here, compared to Home, where it's always so Hard Pressed aginst things.
04, 10, 10. "Old Style Uniform"
I got a hair cut today. Domo Arigato, Otou-San!
One more step towards next weekend, Taken!
_Dimension-Traveler: Calum
One more step towards next weekend, Taken!
_Dimension-Traveler: Calum
04, 08, 10. "Looks Peachy, Doesn't it?"
Yare yare. It seems that nomater where you go in the world, people LOVE to argue.
Just Stop.
Suck in your gut, be the better person, and LET IT GO Already.
Don't feed a fire that's already too hot: You'll just get burned.
I sware, if anyone ever finds this journal, and reads this entry, I'm not going to be upset. I'm not going to over react like Sharper did and just ABANDON the thing, still in plain sight.
To that point, I doubt anyone will EVER find this, considering I've disguised it as my Payiferen Book, with the tab locked.
Regardless, if anyone who might EVER find this journal while carring some emotional baggage reads this:
Haru-nyan knows I will.
Just Stop.
Suck in your gut, be the better person, and LET IT GO Already.
Don't feed a fire that's already too hot: You'll just get burned.
I sware, if anyone ever finds this journal, and reads this entry, I'm not going to be upset. I'm not going to over react like Sharper did and just ABANDON the thing, still in plain sight.
To that point, I doubt anyone will EVER find this, considering I've disguised it as my Payiferen Book, with the tab locked.
Regardless, if anyone who might EVER find this journal while carring some emotional baggage reads this:
Haru-nyan knows I will.
04, 04, 10. "About 3 cm."
I finished my ZPEFM MOC today.
Also, I Started re-watching Lucky Star again, and battled some dejimon. Terry and Sala are almost ready to Level up!
I also found some cool camera angles in Relto. I have to wait for the pics to develop though.
I'm going to a SciFi convention in two weekends! But, sadly, I have school tomorrow.
Just eight more weeks.
Just eight more weeks.
Also, I Started re-watching Lucky Star again, and battled some dejimon. Terry and Sala are almost ready to Level up!
I also found some cool camera angles in Relto. I have to wait for the pics to develop though.
I'm going to a SciFi convention in two weekends! But, sadly, I have school tomorrow.
Just eight more weeks.
Just eight more weeks.
04, 02, 10. I thought... But I...? Huh? What?
Today I got a fortune cookie reading "A charming friendship is in the making."
That's rather fitting for my life right now.
They usually don't do that.
They SHOULDN'T do that.
But it did anyways.
-Call me "Cal"
That's rather fitting for my life right now.
They usually don't do that.
They SHOULDN'T do that.
But it did anyways.
-Call me "Cal"
03, 26, 10.
I've been through the desert on a horse with no name.
It felt good to get out of the rain.
It felt good to get out of the rain.
03, 23, 10. Bouken Desho Desho?!!
Today, I got my own private Descent instance. Gotta love bahro magic.
Actually, I'm supprised that the Descent link is even IN The nexus. I mean, why is it there? Myst isn't there. The BaronCityOffice isn't there. The ErcanaCitySilo isn't there. EVEN The Spyroom isn't even there! Why is the descent in the Nexus?
It doesn't make sense to me. In the mean time, I'm looking around for things to do. Even with everyone returning to the cavern, there's not a lot to do. I could do markers. I could do the ages over again.
The one thing that I really have to do is feeding the lake. It's a sense of duty. Respect.
It's an Adventure, Right Right?
Actually, I'm supprised that the Descent link is even IN The nexus. I mean, why is it there? Myst isn't there. The BaronCityOffice isn't there. The ErcanaCitySilo isn't there. EVEN The Spyroom isn't even there! Why is the descent in the Nexus?
It doesn't make sense to me. In the mean time, I'm looking around for things to do. Even with everyone returning to the cavern, there's not a lot to do. I could do markers. I could do the ages over again.
The one thing that I really have to do is feeding the lake. It's a sense of duty. Respect.
It's an Adventure, Right Right?
----- what to say, what to beleive?
I don't know anymore. The world's seemingly gone upside down, and I don't know where to stand. I could say one thing, I could think another,but I-
I think why I'm feleing so down is just a case of the may melancholies.
I think why I'm feleing so down is just a case of the may melancholies.
03, 20, 10. It's Over...
"Say, Cal, What's U.O.'s current pelet secore?" Ruki (My pet Ink seeking beetle) asked me after I uploaded my 155223 points.
"Why, it's currently..." I checked. "3029539 pelet points."
"Then you mean...?" Ruki started.
"Yes, It's Over Three Million." I replied with a sigh.
"Why, it's currently..." I checked. "3029539 pelet points."
"Then you mean...?" Ruki started.
"Yes, It's Over Three Million." I replied with a sigh.
----- WHAT THE WHAT THE WHAT THE?!!?!?!?!?!
Echo McKenzie appeared in the City, had a...discussion with Prof. Lapin, then she visited our Tsogal Run! And now J.D. Barnes is In the city!
He says he's found a new section of the cavern.
He says he's found a new section of the cavern.
03, 19, 10. Oh let it snow, let it snow, let it snow...
I hate that song so much right now. There's approximately six to eight inches of snow outside right now. You hear me?
Six. To Eight. Inches.
Six. To Eight. Inches.
03, 12, 10. Busy days ahead.
"I've got places to go and people to see." as the old saying goes. I don't know if I'll be able to make it down to the cavern this weekend or not...
I wish it weren't so, but I've got a lot to do before then. Like make a cake, recharge my MP3 player, among other things.
Ruki's laughing at this over-schedualing.
I wish it weren't so, but I've got a lot to do before then. Like make a cake, recharge my MP3 player, among other things.
Ruki's laughing at this over-schedualing.
03, 10, 10. Of other things.
Things have quieted down a bit since our glorious return. It's quiet down here, in the cavern. I've found myself resigned to the routine of droping pelets into the lake, and hoping around ages. With every New KI I register, however, I seem to gain a new copy of the ages. It should be expected, of course, but it will give me something to do, I suppose, in the mean time.
[er'cana machinery scaning pelet, KI Regester, pelet drop, sploosh, glow]
The more times I take the journey, though, I seem to free more and more bahro. I can only hope it's to the right side. I Have to wonder, does the main journey do anything anymore?
I don't know anymore. Do the bahro appreciate it, by my taking and returning the pillars?
----- What exactly happened?
I just had an interresting conversation explaing some history to a neighbor. He apparently had never heard of the Watcher, Nor of Great scream back in 2006. That makes him one of the explorers that were brought down WITH the scream.
I have to wonder now. WHAT Happened when we left the last time?
I'm currious now, Ruki is too. She's got this feeling something BIG is behind it. What it is, though, I don't know, I don't care, and I don't plan on finding out any time soon.
[er'cana machinery scaning pelet, KI Regester, pelet drop, sploosh, glow]
The more times I take the journey, though, I seem to free more and more bahro. I can only hope it's to the right side. I Have to wonder, does the main journey do anything anymore?
I don't know anymore. Do the bahro appreciate it, by my taking and returning the pillars?
----- What exactly happened?
I just had an interresting conversation explaing some history to a neighbor. He apparently had never heard of the Watcher, Nor of Great scream back in 2006. That makes him one of the explorers that were brought down WITH the scream.
I have to wonder now. WHAT Happened when we left the last time?
I'm currious now, Ruki is too. She's got this feeling something BIG is behind it. What it is, though, I don't know, I don't care, and I don't plan on finding out any time soon.
03, 07, 10. Block Party.
----- They're Jamming us!
Strawberry chewing gum.
Someone decided to be clever a while back, pried open my KI, stuck some chewing gum inside, and sealed it up. No clue WHEN this happened, but with my KI now being used again, well...
The gum seems to have fried some of the internal circuits. Looks like I'll have to do some MAJOR repairs to it, or just get a new one. No clue which though.
Meh, off to Khon-san's Teledahn, then feeding the lake.
Someone decided to be clever a while back, pried open my KI, stuck some chewing gum inside, and sealed it up. No clue WHEN this happened, but with my KI now being used again, well...
The gum seems to have fried some of the internal circuits. Looks like I'll have to do some MAJOR repairs to it, or just get a new one. No clue which though.
Meh, off to Khon-san's Teledahn, then feeding the lake.
03, 06, 10. What?
Yesterday, I encountered several things. One of which was being door caller for two Delin Runs, and one Tsogal run. Another was, as I was wandering the Halls of K'veer, a certain conversation occured over the Hood channel, I wasn't really paying attention, as it was a bunch of stuff about graphics on computers and the like, but then someone mentioned that the bahro had linked them to the surface on the last day, back in 2007.
I commented that I had left of my own free will, as the DRC had only a month's funding left. Then someone brought up the DRC, Seals, and some guy named Graystone. I have to wonder, WHY Would a Marine Biologist be coming down to the cavern? Maybe he'll have somesort of super Pelet recepie to light the lake. Or maybe he's just some random guy. I wasn't really paying attention to the rest of the conversation, though, as I had gone to a bevin to register another KI, { |)||+||<| # 03224662 } and by the time I returned, the conversation had switched to Food related topics.
Still, it's probably nothing. If this "Graystone" Guy shows up, he'll probably turn out to be some explorer having a good laugh at everyone.
I commented that I had left of my own free will, as the DRC had only a month's funding left. Then someone brought up the DRC, Seals, and some guy named Graystone. I have to wonder, WHY Would a Marine Biologist be coming down to the cavern? Maybe he'll have somesort of super Pelet recepie to light the lake. Or maybe he's just some random guy. I wasn't really paying attention to the rest of the conversation, though, as I had gone to a bevin to register another KI, { |)||+||<| # 03224662 } and by the time I returned, the conversation had switched to Food related topics.
Still, it's probably nothing. If this "Graystone" Guy shows up, he'll probably turn out to be some explorer having a good laugh at everyone.
02, 28, 10. Time just flies.
I slept in late yesterday, watched Two disks of Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles season two, went to dinner, and watched Doctor Who the rest of the night.
It was lots of fun.
Today, I slept in late again, did homework, talked over the phone to a family member in Hawaii, did more homework, and now I'm writing this journal entry.
It was lots of fun.
Today, I slept in late again, did homework, talked over the phone to a family member in Hawaii, did more homework, and now I'm writing this journal entry.
----- Gotta get back in time!
So, I went to a Party in the "Continous Cavern City Party's Bevin."
Lotsa music playing.
It was a LOT Of fun.
Lotsa music playing.
It was a LOT Of fun.
----- Oh, the joys of Net Six.
My KI's kept disconnecting from the lattice.
I'm not heading back down until It stops showing static.
I'm not heading back down until It stops showing static.
02, 25, 10. Are you joking?
Okay, so the other day My Er'cana suddenly gained five 40-30-20 recepie pellets. Outta nowhere.
Now I'm hearing reports of bahro in Ae'gura?
I'm heading down to see what's up.
Now I'm hearing reports of bahro in Ae'gura?
I'm heading down to see what's up.
02, 20, 10. Cycles.
Sorry for being so Melancholic yesterday. It's just that the four caves in rapid sucession is a bit too much to take in.
Regardless, I went to the Caves one more time, recorded my symbols, and ended the first journey.

I've taken what was given, and returned it. The cycle is complete, again.
For what seems like the fifth time, I've finished the Journey. I've listened this time, though. I listened, and I learned. I've felt the rain. I see the growing tree. I've heard what has been said.
Have you listened, journal of mine?
Regardless, I went to the Caves one more time, recorded my symbols, and ended the first journey.

I've taken what was given, and returned it. The cycle is complete, again.
For what seems like the fifth time, I've finished the Journey. I've listened this time, though. I listened, and I learned. I've felt the rain. I see the growing tree. I've heard what has been said.
Have you listened, journal of mine?
02, 19, 10. Composure.
I listened to Yeesha, today, her messages. The last few times I took the path I haven't listened, but this time, I did. I listened to Yeesha's warnings about pride and how you must return what you have taken, or it will be taken back. I Took the pillars, then I returned them. Yeesha said "They will be on Relto for a brief Time" Or something simmilar, and she was right.
The only sign on my relto of them ever being there is the fissure. That star filled expanse.

Those who are proud try to take what they cannot keep. She said, "It is from within that nations fall." I think on the state of the world, wishing that it wouldn't seep into my home, my Relto, but it does. History repeats, and if we do not pay attention to it's message, things are doomed to happen again. I've taken this stance with the Bahro. With the cavern. If we return what we take, we will be fine. It's why I am warry of the Donut wedges. The wedges are brought to our reltos with no way of returning them. Pressing the wall print again does nothing.

The reason I mention all this is due to concern. I visited someone's relto recently, despite having finished the Journey, they had the Cleft book on the shelf, Despite ALL of this, they TOOK the pillars back. I heard that bahro's cries of pain.
I guess, really, that I can't force others to do things. "To each their own" as a wise man once said. In the end, no-one listens. Not to Yeesha, not to me; I mean, you're just a journel. A Book. Paper and ink. It doesn't matter if I convince you to take and return things. Not really. And since YOU are just a book, hidden away under my bed, and not an explorer, you can't return what has been taken.
Yeesha said it takes death to bring about a return, when it comes to the proud. Yeesha lost someone dear to her. The D'ni themselves were murdered, All but a few handfulls surviving. For me, Death has come and gone. I remember the day we learned about the war. When That... You know... How people can keep the VERY SOUL of a Bahro on their RELTO of all places after that, I do not know.
They Never Lie Down.
There's been enough death.
The only sign on my relto of them ever being there is the fissure. That star filled expanse.

Those who are proud try to take what they cannot keep. She said, "It is from within that nations fall." I think on the state of the world, wishing that it wouldn't seep into my home, my Relto, but it does. History repeats, and if we do not pay attention to it's message, things are doomed to happen again. I've taken this stance with the Bahro. With the cavern. If we return what we take, we will be fine. It's why I am warry of the Donut wedges. The wedges are brought to our reltos with no way of returning them. Pressing the wall print again does nothing.

The reason I mention all this is due to concern. I visited someone's relto recently, despite having finished the Journey, they had the Cleft book on the shelf, Despite ALL of this, they TOOK the pillars back. I heard that bahro's cries of pain.
I guess, really, that I can't force others to do things. "To each their own" as a wise man once said. In the end, no-one listens. Not to Yeesha, not to me; I mean, you're just a journel. A Book. Paper and ink. It doesn't matter if I convince you to take and return things. Not really. And since YOU are just a book, hidden away under my bed, and not an explorer, you can't return what has been taken.
Yeesha said it takes death to bring about a return, when it comes to the proud. Yeesha lost someone dear to her. The D'ni themselves were murdered, All but a few handfulls surviving. For me, Death has come and gone. I remember the day we learned about the war. When That... You know... How people can keep the VERY SOUL of a Bahro on their RELTO of all places after that, I do not know.
They Never Lie Down.
There's been enough death.
02, 18, 10. Introduction to Sardines.
Today was fun. I lit Gira's caves, did a Delin run short on players (Cloth's Three and Four), Hopped through Negilahn's portal, mountain climbed, and I played a game of Sardines in my Teledahn.
Tomorrow, I'll take and return the pillars.
Tomorrow, I'll take and return the pillars.
----- Random Restarts
I was going to head down to the cavern again when my Computer decided to restart on me. I'm going to finish restoring my windows before venturing down again.
Word of the wise, Journal, Look before you leap.
Word of the wise, Journal, Look before you leap.
02, 17, 10. Math. I hate it.
Honnestly, I do. I really do.
But, that is behind me, For today atleast. I will work on a comic, then go into the cavern.
But, that is behind me, For today atleast. I will work on a comic, then go into the cavern.
02, 15, 10. KI Shots.
----- Fireflies and Doors
I linked in today, and thankfully, nothing was disturbed. Jalak was intact.
After that little escapade, I linked around to a few hoods, played some 'heek, did two Delin Runs. Got stuck in the door, twice. Escaped once, other time relto'd. I ventured into the main city, Nice place, by the way. Saw some faces from the forums, Though, why people insist on using their forum names instead of the reall ones I don't understand. /Scarcastic. I Went to Minkata, followed a guy around as he attempted to navigate with two hyper running explorers and me in tow. Then I amazed him by finding a cave he hadn't been to yet, so all was not lost. I managed to keep up with the floaty glyph even.
Later, I went to Groath's Gahreesen. Touched my remaining cloths, but all for not. I didn't use the door. Later still, we went to Kadish Tolesa. Groath had to deal with some surface business, so I took a photo op with A fellow explorer and the /crazy KI command. Groath returned, and we started messing with the first idiotic door of Kadish's security system. There was some confusion over the light floor puzzle. I swore that it looked wrong. Goes to show how much two years time will mess with your memory.
[Light chuckle]
Further more, we went to the moon room, While we were waiting for the thing to charge up, I walked the floor to see if anything would happen.
Turns out, My memory isn't so faulty. As Groath will attest to, I did indeed activate the elevator, then pressed the reset while leaning against the wall in shock. I toyed with the pillars while we were waiting for the elevator to start working again- It was amusing to say the least. We soon got to the vault, and I headed back to my relto, Last cloth touched to the wall.
So, I went to my relto to work things backwards in Kadish. Turns out that even though I touched all seven cloths in Groath's Kadish, they work by personal instance touched. So I realized that, when I linked into the start of the age, my cloth press in Groath's Gahreesen Power room wouldn't work. I'd still go to MY Gahreesen's last cloth. I ended up re-working all of kadish's puzzles in no time at all- even walked the path blind again.
Groath invited me to his Gira when I was about to start another marker mission, good timing. We got our fireflies and lit up his tunnel with out having to make a second trip for flies. Or so we thought when I accidentally run-jumped and scattered my flies and Groath sliped into the water.
It works in theory, but, still...
I'm currious to see what would happen if I stuck my Non-functional Gravity Gun MOC into the GZ Neutrino beam. Would the crystal inside go super on me? Could I actually manipulate gravity?
I'm not willing to test it just yet.
After that little escapade, I linked around to a few hoods, played some 'heek, did two Delin Runs. Got stuck in the door, twice. Escaped once, other time relto'd. I ventured into the main city, Nice place, by the way. Saw some faces from the forums, Though, why people insist on using their forum names instead of the reall ones I don't understand. /Scarcastic. I Went to Minkata, followed a guy around as he attempted to navigate with two hyper running explorers and me in tow. Then I amazed him by finding a cave he hadn't been to yet, so all was not lost. I managed to keep up with the floaty glyph even.
Later, I went to Groath's Gahreesen. Touched my remaining cloths, but all for not. I didn't use the door. Later still, we went to Kadish Tolesa. Groath had to deal with some surface business, so I took a photo op with A fellow explorer and the /crazy KI command. Groath returned, and we started messing with the first idiotic door of Kadish's security system. There was some confusion over the light floor puzzle. I swore that it looked wrong. Goes to show how much two years time will mess with your memory.
[Light chuckle]
Further more, we went to the moon room, While we were waiting for the thing to charge up, I walked the floor to see if anything would happen.
Turns out, My memory isn't so faulty. As Groath will attest to, I did indeed activate the elevator, then pressed the reset while leaning against the wall in shock. I toyed with the pillars while we were waiting for the elevator to start working again- It was amusing to say the least. We soon got to the vault, and I headed back to my relto, Last cloth touched to the wall.
So, I went to my relto to work things backwards in Kadish. Turns out that even though I touched all seven cloths in Groath's Kadish, they work by personal instance touched. So I realized that, when I linked into the start of the age, my cloth press in Groath's Gahreesen Power room wouldn't work. I'd still go to MY Gahreesen's last cloth. I ended up re-working all of kadish's puzzles in no time at all- even walked the path blind again.
Groath invited me to his Gira when I was about to start another marker mission, good timing. We got our fireflies and lit up his tunnel with out having to make a second trip for flies. Or so we thought when I accidentally run-jumped and scattered my flies and Groath sliped into the water.
It works in theory, but, still...
I'm currious to see what would happen if I stuck my Non-functional Gravity Gun MOC into the GZ Neutrino beam. Would the crystal inside go super on me? Could I actually manipulate gravity?
I'm not willing to test it just yet.
02, 14, 10. Cone Wars?
I was talking with vid last night when he went off on something about Kirel and cones. Several explorers met there and... I have no clue exactly what happened. I seem to be a "Reporter/Judge" for these "Cone Wars" events, between a MOC DRC and Explorers, with my Jalak as one of the main boards.
I'm worried about what I'll find upon linking in...
I'm worried about what I'll find upon linking in...
----- Delin run
We just did a delin run in D'ni Museum of Art's bevin's delin.
I stood on the door and got relto'd when it came up.
I stood on the door and got relto'd when it came up.
02, 13, 10. And Such things.
Today, I spent a good long while in Cavern. We had two Pod Parties, durring one of which I saw a Sandscrit (Pic still burried in my KI) and and explorer got teleported to the wrong bahro cave (Delin/Tshogal instead of the Pod Cave). I've done a few parts of random ages, and I went to Phil's relto to do some mountain climbing. I snaged a marker or two, and had a lot of fun over all.
This is what we were missing.
This Is Uru.
This is what we were missing.
This Is Uru.
I've noticed with a growing trend that every time I go down to the cavern, In the cleft there's a pair of goggles laying around on a table. I have my own, but still...
It's the thought that counts. The sense of normalicy. That has just gone straight out the window.
It's the thought that counts. The sense of normalicy. That has just gone straight out the window.
02, 08, 10. Gone Fishing.
Ugh, As soon as the DRC said that they were okay with explorer's being down in the cavern, everything went crazy. Forums are slowed to a halt. Everyone's gone message happy and telling everyone and their cousin that we can go back now.
So much for a quiet escape from life.
So, at this point, I'm going fishing. Figureatively speaking.
So, on to Lucky Star!
Ja Ne!
So much for a quiet escape from life.
So, at this point, I'm going fishing. Figureatively speaking.
So, on to Lucky Star!
Ja Ne!
02, 06, 10. What news!
Kodama and Sutherland are down in the cavern currently.
What is going on, we don't know. But I have my theories.
I'm holding off a trip until we know what Laxman's 'tripped sensor' is.
What is going on, we don't know. But I have my theories.
I'm holding off a trip until we know what Laxman's 'tripped sensor' is.
02, 04, 10. Now the Begining is tied to the end.
I'm packing up for a trip back to the cavern.
Soon. Very, Very Soon.
I can hear the call again.
LAXMAN Posted on the DRC forums!
I'm taking this as a sign.
The timing of this is very coincidental. The last two times the cavern closed, it was announced on this very day. Once back in 2004, and once more in 2008. I realized something, as I watched a play through of Myst IV the other day, Atrus said something simialr to "Endings are another form of beginings" which is something a certain Great Spirit said at the beging of the BIONICLE movie "The Legend Reborn." Now, thinking back to this, I remembered the Watcher's Words, of the Grower and the Path of the Shell.
Yeesha herself noted at the end of our first journey: "Now the begining is tied to the end" while changing the Hand Symbol into the Shell one. When I first took the shell path, I didn't remember this. But now it makes sense! Ahnonay-ing involved making a path through "Time" and Space. As did Er'cana, inorder to light up the bahro cave to see the last set of glyphs. When I re-took it back in 2007, this was split in half, making it harder to understand, But I get it now! I really do!"
So, Here we are. A Begining tied to an End. I'm ready to go back. But, first, I have to clear out my schedual. I don't want to just vanish into thin air in the middle of class, now do I?
Soon. Very, Very Soon.
I can hear the call again.
LAXMAN Posted on the DRC forums!
I'm taking this as a sign.
The timing of this is very coincidental. The last two times the cavern closed, it was announced on this very day. Once back in 2004, and once more in 2008. I realized something, as I watched a play through of Myst IV the other day, Atrus said something simialr to "Endings are another form of beginings" which is something a certain Great Spirit said at the beging of the BIONICLE movie "The Legend Reborn." Now, thinking back to this, I remembered the Watcher's Words, of the Grower and the Path of the Shell.
Yeesha herself noted at the end of our first journey: "Now the begining is tied to the end" while changing the Hand Symbol into the Shell one. When I first took the shell path, I didn't remember this. But now it makes sense! Ahnonay-ing involved making a path through "Time" and Space. As did Er'cana, inorder to light up the bahro cave to see the last set of glyphs. When I re-took it back in 2007, this was split in half, making it harder to understand, But I get it now! I really do!"
So, Here we are. A Begining tied to an End. I'm ready to go back. But, first, I have to clear out my schedual. I don't want to just vanish into thin air in the middle of class, now do I?
01, 16, 10. "Bismark Brand..."
"Bismark Brand Lucky Dubby Rubber Ducky!"
Oh he's the bestest pal,
of my Friend Sal,
Oh He's a Bismark Brand,
(Lucky Dubby,)
A Great ol' Friend,
(Rubber Ducky!)
(Lucky Dubby, Rubber Ducky)
Oh, He squeaks,
He Quacks.
He's supper duper,
(Lucky Dubby)
He's Better for her.
(Rubber Ducky!)
(Lucky Dubby, Rubber Ducky)
His name is Bismark,
Says his water mark.
He's quite a laugh
(Lucky Dubby)
When He's In the bath!
(Rubber Ducky)
(Lucky Dubby, Rubber Ducky)
Oh He's a Bismark Brand,
A House Hold Brand,
A Lucky Dubby,
A Rubber Ducky!
A Lucky Dubby,
A Rubber Ducky!
(Lucky Dubby, Rubber Ducky)
(Lucky Dubby, Rubber Ducky)
(Lucky Dubby, Rubber Ducky)
(Lucky Dubby, Rubber Ducky)
A song I wrote.
Oh he's the bestest pal,
of my Friend Sal,
Oh He's a Bismark Brand,
(Lucky Dubby,)
A Great ol' Friend,
(Rubber Ducky!)
(Lucky Dubby, Rubber Ducky)
Oh, He squeaks,
He Quacks.
He's supper duper,
(Lucky Dubby)
He's Better for her.
(Rubber Ducky!)
(Lucky Dubby, Rubber Ducky)
His name is Bismark,
Says his water mark.
He's quite a laugh
(Lucky Dubby)
When He's In the bath!
(Rubber Ducky)
(Lucky Dubby, Rubber Ducky)
Oh He's a Bismark Brand,
A House Hold Brand,
A Lucky Dubby,
A Rubber Ducky!
A Lucky Dubby,
A Rubber Ducky!
(Lucky Dubby, Rubber Ducky)
(Lucky Dubby, Rubber Ducky)
(Lucky Dubby, Rubber Ducky)
(Lucky Dubby, Rubber Ducky)
A song I wrote.
01, 13, 10. Beleiver
I want to say I'm ready to go back. And I do, but I don't think it's time yet.
I hear the call, so close yet so far. It's not the right time.
Not just yet...
I hear the call, so close yet so far. It's not the right time.
Not just yet...
01, 04, 10. Runners High.
I don't know what to say, really. That's the problem with journals, I never really have anything to say. Sad, ain't it?
I started school, that's about it.
More later, If anything happens, I guess.
I started school, that's about it.
More later, If anything happens, I guess.
01, 01, 10. Brand new day.
Meh, just to be silly, here's the first post of the new year!
More like a brand new year, haha.
More like a brand new year, haha.
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