Well, goes to show, this "Bomb" thing isn't a LITERAL bomb, but a Metaphorical Bomb.
People I THOUGHT I knew are acting like total IDIOTS! Kemy has insulted Megan, and Whil has said he doesn't take My opinion's seriously after a slight (UNDERSTATEMENT) argument. Both have earned the distinction of being on my ignore list.
I DO NOT Take kindly to my friends being insulted.
I DO NOT take kindly to Everyone acting like Jerks and Idiots.
I DO NOT Take kindly to this Situation.
What was something that could be Fun and Entertaining has degraded into a free for all SHOUT-Fest.
I'm Sorry, But this has gone on for far too long.
The Timer on this "BOMB" hasn't even gone off yet, and yet the results have been disasterous.
We've been sitting on the timer, holding it seconds from reaching zero. I think...
I think it's time that we set this firework off.
Once and for all.