
10, 28, 10. Griefers.

It makes me sad to see people leave just because others torment them. We all have our surface problems, but the cavern is not the place to bring them.

Seeing this makes me myself want to leave, but I do not. I don't leave because though as sad as this makes me, I won't let it force me to leave.

Let be known that I will not tolerate such behavior! When next I see a griefer, I'll tell them to stop. When next someone is in trouble, I won't stand idly by!

And if any so called "Griefers" find and read this journal, let it be known that you will not be allowed to reak havok! Get this idea through your thick skulls:


And if anyone in trouble finds this journal, Just Ignore those trouble makers!

I'll wager that 90% of all griefing in cavern these days is one person, so, please, I'm begging of you, Let all this nonsense go!