
02, 04, 10. Now the Begining is tied to the end.

I'm packing up for a trip back to the cavern.

Soon. Very, Very Soon.

I can hear the call again.

LAXMAN Posted on the DRC forums!

I'm taking this as a sign.

The timing of this is very coincidental. The last two times the cavern closed, it was announced on this very day. Once back in 2004, and once more in 2008. I realized something, as I watched a play through of Myst IV the other day, Atrus said something simialr to "Endings are another form of beginings" which is something a certain Great Spirit said at the beging of the BIONICLE movie "The Legend Reborn." Now, thinking back to this, I remembered the Watcher's Words, of the Grower and the Path of the Shell.

Yeesha herself noted at the end of our first journey: "Now the begining is tied to the end" while changing the Hand Symbol into the Shell one. When I first took the shell path, I didn't remember this. But now it makes sense! Ahnonay-ing involved making a path through "Time" and Space. As did Er'cana, inorder to light up the bahro cave to see the last set of glyphs. When I re-took it back in 2007, this was split in half, making it harder to understand, But I get it now! I really do!"

So, Here we are. A Begining tied to an End. I'm ready to go back. But, first, I have to clear out my schedual. I don't want to just vanish into thin air in the middle of class, now do I?