Things have quieted down a bit since our glorious return. It's quiet down here, in the cavern. I've found myself resigned to the routine of droping pelets into the lake, and hoping around ages. With every New KI I register, however, I seem to gain a new copy of the ages. It should be expected, of course, but it will give me something to do, I suppose, in the mean time.
[er'cana machinery scaning pelet, KI Regester, pelet drop, sploosh, glow]
The more times I take the journey, though, I seem to free more and more bahro. I can only hope it's to the right side. I Have to wonder, does the main journey do anything anymore?
I don't know anymore. Do the bahro appreciate it, by my taking and returning the pillars?
----- What exactly happened?
I just had an interresting conversation explaing some history to a neighbor. He apparently had never heard of the Watcher, Nor of Great scream back in 2006. That makes him one of the explorers that were brought down WITH the scream.
I have to wonder now. WHAT Happened when we left the last time?
I'm currious now, Ruki is too. She's got this feeling something BIG is behind it. What it is, though, I don't know, I don't care, and I don't plan on finding out any time soon.