Last night I had a very weird dream:
I was in a hotel room- kind of like the anime room at StarFest-, the lights were off, and there was a strange chill in the air. There was a small doorway into the room, with a crowd outside. There was a book shelf running along the left wall (entering the room), and a desk of some sort closer to the entrance.
Ah, I was in this hotel room with this girl, (Thinking back to the dream, she looked exactly like Yuki From the Haruhi series, only with dark, black hair) and we were looking around the book shelf, trying to find the source of the cold bursts filling the room. Before we could really look around, those Ghost Hunter guys from TV showed up and 'Shoo!'ed us out. I turned around, to look up at the back wall for a split second, to spot a borky A.C. right above the book shelf. I turn back to the girl to tell her this, but she had vanished.
I called out her name (of which I now can't remember) in an attempt to find her. Then the dream switched to another one of which I can't remember.
My only complaint is that I can't remember the girl's name out of this crystal clear dream. I'd go with "Yuki" for her appearance alone if I didn't have this strong feeling that wasn't what her name was.
Ah well.
Maybe I should look up the "Vanishment" Arc later today.