The only sign on my relto of them ever being there is the fissure. That star filled expanse.

Those who are proud try to take what they cannot keep. She said, "It is from within that nations fall." I think on the state of the world, wishing that it wouldn't seep into my home, my Relto, but it does. History repeats, and if we do not pay attention to it's message, things are doomed to happen again. I've taken this stance with the Bahro. With the cavern. If we return what we take, we will be fine. It's why I am warry of the Donut wedges. The wedges are brought to our reltos with no way of returning them. Pressing the wall print again does nothing.

The reason I mention all this is due to concern. I visited someone's relto recently, despite having finished the Journey, they had the Cleft book on the shelf, Despite ALL of this, they TOOK the pillars back. I heard that bahro's cries of pain.
I guess, really, that I can't force others to do things. "To each their own" as a wise man once said. In the end, no-one listens. Not to Yeesha, not to me; I mean, you're just a journel. A Book. Paper and ink. It doesn't matter if I convince you to take and return things. Not really. And since YOU are just a book, hidden away under my bed, and not an explorer, you can't return what has been taken.
Yeesha said it takes death to bring about a return, when it comes to the proud. Yeesha lost someone dear to her. The D'ni themselves were murdered, All but a few handfulls surviving. For me, Death has come and gone. I remember the day we learned about the war. When That... You know... How people can keep the VERY SOUL of a Bahro on their RELTO of all places after that, I do not know.
They Never Lie Down.
There's been enough death.