The problem with journals and a very routine life is that there's nothing to write about. My days since the cavern's closeure have been prety much like this:
Wake up.
Eat breakfast.
Do School. Eat lunch.
Get on the computer.
Look at the random things it has to offer (Such as today, I was reading on a Site called TvTropes.Com or something. Article of the day: Ear Worms. Songs. Not bugs).
Eat dinner.
Resume internet surfing.
Go to bed.
Rinse and repeat.
Durring the summer, Scratch school from the list.
Some interresting news, I've read that there might be a new Digimon series in 2010. But, that's off topic, in a sense. So, I guess when that comes up, and I still haven't found my Relto, that will be SOMETHING interresting to add to the cycle.
Meanwhile, My Relto Book is still in hiding. "Oh there ain't no rest for the wicked..." So the song goes. So my repeating life...well...repeats. You don't care? Do You? After all, you're just an inanimate object. A Book. Paper and ink.
I just wish something INTERRESTING would just drop from the sky and change my life.
My Relto Book would be nice. ~hint~hint~nudge~nudge~