
03, 26, 10.

I've been through the desert on a horse with no name.

It felt good to get out of the rain.


03, 23, 10. Bouken Desho Desho?!!

Today, I got my own private Descent instance. Gotta love bahro magic.

Actually, I'm supprised that the Descent link is even IN The nexus. I mean, why is it there? Myst isn't there. The BaronCityOffice isn't there. The ErcanaCitySilo isn't there. EVEN The Spyroom isn't even there! Why is the descent in the Nexus?

It doesn't make sense to me. In the mean time, I'm looking around for things to do. Even with everyone returning to the cavern, there's not a lot to do. I could do markers. I could do the ages over again.

The one thing that I really have to do is feeding the lake. It's a sense of duty. Respect.

It's an Adventure, Right Right?




----- what to say, what to beleive?

I don't know anymore. The world's seemingly gone upside down, and I don't know where to stand. I could say one thing, I could think another,but I-

I think why I'm feleing so down is just a case of the may melancholies.



03, 20, 10. It's Over...

"Say, Cal, What's U.O.'s current pelet secore?" Ruki (My pet Ink seeking beetle) asked me after I uploaded my 155223 points.

"Why, it's currently..." I checked. "3029539 pelet points."

"Then you mean...?" Ruki started.

"Yes, It's Over Three Million." I replied with a sigh.



----- WHAT THE WHAT THE WHAT THE?!!?!?!?!?!

Echo McKenzie appeared in the City, had a...discussion with Prof. Lapin, then she visited our Tsogal Run! And now J.D. Barnes is In the city!

He says he's found a new section of the cavern.


03, 19, 10. Oh let it snow, let it snow, let it snow...

I hate that song so much right now. There's approximately six to eight inches of snow outside right now. You hear me?

Six. To Eight. Inches.



03, 17, 10. Luck o' the Irish.

It's St. Patrick's day, today.

Are you wearing green?



03, 12, 10. Busy days ahead.

"I've got places to go and people to see." as the old saying goes. I don't know if I'll be able to make it down to the cavern this weekend or not...

I wish it weren't so, but I've got a lot to do before then. Like make a cake, recharge my MP3 player, among other things.

Ruki's laughing at this over-schedualing.



03, 10, 10. Of other things.

Things have quieted down a bit since our glorious return. It's quiet down here, in the cavern. I've found myself resigned to the routine of droping pelets into the lake, and hoping around ages. With every New KI I register, however, I seem to gain a new copy of the ages. It should be expected, of course, but it will give me something to do, I suppose, in the mean time.

[er'cana machinery scaning pelet, KI Regester, pelet drop, sploosh, glow]

The more times I take the journey, though, I seem to free more and more bahro. I can only hope it's to the right side. I Have to wonder, does the main journey do anything anymore?

I don't know anymore. Do the bahro appreciate it, by my taking and returning the pillars?


----- What exactly happened?

I just had an interresting conversation explaing some history to a neighbor. He apparently had never heard of the Watcher, Nor of Great scream back in 2006. That makes him one of the explorers that were brought down WITH the scream.

I have to wonder now. WHAT Happened when we left the last time?

I'm currious now, Ruki is too. She's got this feeling something BIG is behind it. What it is, though, I don't know, I don't care, and I don't plan on finding out any time soon.



03, 07, 10. Block Party.


So, This afternoon, I fed the lake.

Then, I got booooooored, and messed around with markers.

Then I went to a dancy party!

Lots of fun!



----- They're Jamming us!

Strawberry chewing gum.

Someone decided to be clever a while back, pried open my KI, stuck some chewing gum inside, and sealed it up. No clue WHEN this happened, but with my KI now being used again, well...

The gum seems to have fried some of the internal circuits. Looks like I'll have to do some MAJOR repairs to it, or just get a new one. No clue which though.

Meh, off to Khon-san's Teledahn, then feeding the lake.


03, 06, 10. What?

Yesterday, I encountered several things. One of which was being door caller for two Delin Runs, and one Tsogal run. Another was, as I was wandering the Halls of K'veer, a certain conversation occured over the Hood channel, I wasn't really paying attention, as it was a bunch of stuff about graphics on computers and the like, but then someone mentioned that the bahro had linked them to the surface on the last day, back in 2007.

I commented that I had left of my own free will, as the DRC had only a month's funding left. Then someone brought up the DRC, Seals, and some guy named Graystone. I have to wonder, WHY Would a Marine Biologist be coming down to the cavern? Maybe he'll have somesort of super Pelet recepie to light the lake. Or maybe he's just some random guy. I wasn't really paying attention to the rest of the conversation, though, as I had gone to a bevin to register another KI, { |)||+||<| # 03224662 } and by the time I returned, the conversation had switched to Food related topics.

Still, it's probably nothing. If this "Graystone" Guy shows up, he'll probably turn out to be some explorer having a good laugh at everyone.
