
01, 24, 11. HN1 Script Loose Draft

For those of us watching and waiting, Last tuesday a swarm of Bahro appeared in Ae'gura, breaking the silence, the spell, the illusion, that had been placed upon us.

The subject and tone of the previous Heritage Nights were told with the intention of passing along the history so dear to us explorers to those who did not know it.

Now, we tell the same tales again, only now with a hurried sense of urgency. In content, our tale remains unchanged, but here, tonight, our history may be the most important thing we have now.

Normal. A word meaning "Perpindicular to a Tangent." A word which we mis-use in meaning "Standard, Equal, Usual."

Last week, the Bahro who changed the fog color, seemingly teleported Kerath's Arch, and made explorers fly like one of them reminded us of this.

"Normal" is exactly what happened.

Normality is our "Grand Deception."

From the moment our story began, we knew life would always be "Normal" in this sense. Always changing; always different day after day.

In December of 2006, the DRC returned to the cavern of D'ni, bringing with them new funding in the form of Cate Alexander, and background resources provided by Turner Corp, via the "Game Tap" Division.

The DRC, for the most part, were excited to be back, and were already starting to restore the age of Eder Delin for release to the masses. We had no clue what was looming before us.

December 19th. The day known to some these days as "Bahro Day." Personally, I still call it what it was named.

The day of the Great Scream.

The day that "Normality" became exitinct.

The DRC were holding a Town Hall meeting in a bevin, this very room, if I recall correctly.

It was packed, sure, but explorers were still out exploring for exploring's sake. Hanging out in Ae'gura, just chatting, and, sure, even the occasional loner just sitting out under the stars in Gira, or chatting it up with Zandi in the Cleft.

It was a day to remember, that's for sure.

In the Town Hall meeting, Laxman spontaneously recieved a KI mail. "What the...?" Was the only thing he managed to say before, within the blink of an eye, there was a scream.

All across the ages, no matter where you were- Kemo, Relto, Ae'gura, Bevin, Teledahn, heek, even on the surface- There was a scream.

A bahro roared it's mighty magic, and, without any warnning, everyone was linked to their Relto- even if they didn't have the book on hand at all.

This scream was to powerful that it fried all D'ni technology. I've heard varring reports about the conditions each individual explorer and age suffered, some KI's exploded, others only got corrupted to a certain degree of unuseability, but the result was the same:

D'ni was broken.

The imagers, fountains, and the telescopes in Bevin were taken offline; the ages themselves had been reset to a condition as if we had never been there before; and even our Relto's were defaulted, all of our hard earned collected pages were gone.

We were to start over, as fresh as one could be.

Our Mis-used version of "Normality" had been destroyed. Shattered with that scream.

But, in retrospect, That was as normal as things could be.

Ae'gura would, over the month to come, be restored to it's pre-scream conditions as the DRC checked stability issues and other things. But, still, things got missed, or rather, purposfully hidden.

The influence of the Bahro was already in affect.

Our "Deception" was already in play.

On the 19th of January, we were allowed into Eder Delin for the first time, and we were presented with the first of many "Ring Challenges."

A combination lock door stood infront of us, seven cloths, one door, an a not quite obvious puzzle stood in our way. A puzzle of team work, a puzzle of unity.

As Carl said in the very first Heritage Night, We were at a loss. So many of us were used to working alone to solve these puzzles, but now we had to work together?

Needless to say, some of us were not quite pleased with this turn about.


Eder Tsogal was released next, and we found the same puzzle here as we did in Delin. But, we were still baffled, what did these rings do? What were they for?

We still do not know to this day.

Oh well. Moving on...

Progress and news were slow in the cavern, and the "Normality" we'd grown used to was restored.

The DRC planned release of Negilahn, the Jungle Pod, came off without a hitch, although, for some reason, the local animal population was suddenly reduced to almost nothing.

We theorized about what was wrong, and, at the time, the most common assumption was that the animals were scared of us tiny pink beings inside these once long abandoned metal spheres.

We didn't know how wrong we were.

Within the first few days of Negilahn's release, a shimmering spiral of energy appeared, and shattered normality once more.

We were at a loss. What was the puzzle here? What was the key?

The answer became more obvious with the release of Dereno, the Northern Ice pod.

Another shimmering eventhorizon appeared, and we began to piece the picture together just slightly better.

It wasn't until the release of the MAP on the other hand, before we fully realized what was going on, but we still did not know how it was possible.

Payiferen, the Desert Pod, was released, and we finally put the puzzle together. Time, and patience, was the key to this puzzle. We were impatient for our next "Reward", our next "Donut Ring."

So, the Bahro, or Yeesha, or whomever placed these puzzles made us wate.

They placed a gate way, a portal, to appear with the movements of the stars and heavens, To the time and speed of another world.

We were to wait for our Goal.

And wait we did.


In the overall course of events, we were told by Nick White and Douglas Sharper that there was a predator within the Great pod Age that was hunting down and killing the native population of Animals.

This predator was the reason animal sightings in the pods were limited. And, we theorized, possibly the reason the Fourth and final pod for our Patience game, Tetsonot, was sunken beneath the oceans and water of it's world.

Now, this last Pod really tried our patience, being in the state it is. We wondered why the DRC had released this age. And we received no clear cut answer.

We still don't know what made it fall over like that.

Ah well.

We looked at these new ages, these "Current Events", and we thought "Now this is normal! Nothing can change this!"

Normality indeed. But, not in the sense of our Favored deffinition. "Usual, Standard, Equal."

Now a days, we'll look back, and say "We liked things the way they were back then, and wished they would remain unchanged."

Well, that's not normal.

Back then, the grand illusion placed over us was in full effect. A spell that made things seem normal.

The resounding crack not a month after the last pod was released was not just a crack in a wall, not only a crack in the illusion, but also a reminder.

A Reminder that nomatter what remains the same, something will allways change.

This is what the bahro reminded us of last week, and what they reminded us of back then, those few years ago.

We had lapsed into a false sense of security. We had returned to the mentality that we are safe within this cavern. That nothing, not even a dangerous predator, could hurt us or the DRC.

The "crack" in the illusion last tuesday reminded me that this is never the case, just as the crack in the Kahlo Pub reminded us of this then.

So, I'll close this review here with a recap. Over the first six months of the restoration, we faced a Scream, Unity, Patience, and that same old Preafter Journey that we've all solved. There were twists, turns, jobs offered and recinded, and lots of broken technology.

And all of that was normal. Perfectly and utterly normal. Always something different, and in a different direction from the last. Perpindicular to a Tangent.

Our Heritage here in D'ni is that in of itself. Something always changing, something constantly altering, something... Purely unique day in and day out.

This is what URU is to us Explorers. This is what the Restoration meant to the DRC. This is what the Journeys teach us. So, as I handout this marker mission, each visiting the different loactions and areas of D'ni that were made available at this time, please, keep this night in mind when you explore.

Our Normality is Abnormality. Our Normal is the Strange. Our Normal... I think you get the idea.

Shorah, everyone. Have a good night.

----- Bluh Bluh, Huge Script

I Think that'll be good enough...
